Thursday, October 15, 2009


I've been terribly lonely lately. With these feelings came bitterness. I'd wonder why I didn't have any friends. People would get up in fast and testimony meeting and say what a wonderful ward they were in and how grateful they were for their dear friends and I would scoff in my mind. Friends? How is it everyone can have friends but me?

Then I started making more of an effort to go to Relief Society and paying attention to when activities were and trying to go to them as well. With that small amount of effort came a huge amount of answers to my unspoken questions. I realized that I was being prideful and, instead of wondering why I wasn't making friends, I started making more of an effort to say hello to people at church. I started praying for the sisters I visit teach with meaning. I prayed to be a friend to someone who might need it as bad as I thought I did. I prayed to reach out to someone instead of thinking about how no one went out of their way to say hello to me.

The changes were almost night and day. I've made friends since then and they are amazing people. The ward we are in is pretty spectacular, I just needed to try and lose my pride before I could realize it.

I'm always baffled by how Heavenly Father knows me so well that He answers the prayer in my heart, even if my mouth can't quite voice what I it's trying to say.

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