Monday, August 31, 2009

Pain of Divorce

My parents were divorced when I was seven. I might have mentioned this fact before, it's a major part of my life that still effects me daily in one way or another. I never wish for things to be undone or put back to the way they were when I was six, but there are things that could have been handled better. We are all human and we all make mistakes so I try not to judge.

I was praying tonight and realized that I've never talked to Heavenly Father about the pain I feel about the separation. I've never shared that with Him in any prayer that I can remember. The same moment I realized that, it hit me that the Savior has been there, shouldering my pain with me even when I didn't ask Him to. He's been there for me always, no matter what. Every day there is something else that makes me become aware of this fact all over again. The hurt has always been there ever since I remember the divorce happening and so has He. Now He is here for me when I feel so alone. His love can make any hurt whole, even when the person holding the hurt doesn't know He's there doing exactly that.

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